TPEA Stronger Together

Retired State Employee, Senator Pete Flores Named to Key Position

Written by Texas Public Employees Association | Jan 10, 2024 1:00:00 PM

Congratulations to Sen. Pete Flores on being named Chairman of the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice.

Sen Flores, a Republican from Pleasanton, is a retired Texas Game Warden. Last August, TPEA honored him with the Legislative Star Award for his unparalleled commitment to the Texas Legislature for public employees and retirees.


State employees understand that Sen. Flores is one of us. He is a proud Texan who has dedicated his life to improving his state and its people. He spent 27 years as a Texas Game Warden, rising to the distinguished rank of Colonel before retiring in 2012 and running for office.

Throughout his legislative career, he has shown he cares about the contributions that state employees have made — and the challenges we face. In his new role, he will be able to shape state policy for the better and make Texas an even better place to live and raise a family – just as he did during his years as a Game Warden.

As Lt. Gov. Patrick said in appointing Sen. Flores, “Sen. Pete Flores brings a lifetime of experience in law enforcement, and he understands how state agencies operate in Texas. He is well-respected by his colleagues and the entire Texas law enforcement community."

Best wishes from TPEA and thank you for everything you do for Texas!