National Correctional Officer's Week 2024

In honoring those that work in our prison system during National Correction Officer’s Week, we wanted to take the time to highlight a long-time state employee (now retiree) that served the criminal justice system in Texas for 30 years. Vernon is an integral part of the TPEA team and his knowledge of TDCJ as well as his dedication to serving state employees is inspiring. We’re honored to work with Vernon everyday!

My name is Vernon Pittman, and I am honored to share reflections from my career as a dedicatedvernon servant of the Texas Prison System. For three decades, culminating in my retirement in 2012, I devoted my life to upholding the tenets of justice and rehabilitation under the auspices of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. During this illustrious career, I had the unique privilege to serve in all six regions of the Department and at 16 different institutions, collaborating with some of the most committed and skilled correctional personnel in the nation.

Texas, known for its firm stance on crime, manages the largest prison population in the United States. This distinction is not a point of pride, but rather a testament to the scale of responsibility shouldered by the state. The mission of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is profound and ambitious: to ensure public safety, foster positive change in offender behavior, successfully reintegrate offenders into society, and provide support to victims of crime. Achieving these goals requires not only a robust framework but also a corps of dedicated individuals who embody these principles daily.

I extend my deepest admiration and gratitude to the staff of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Your unwavering service, courage, and commitment significantly enhance the safety and integrity of our communities. Each day, you perform your duties with a level of excellence that ensures the Texas justice system functions at its best, reflecting the high standards we uphold. It is because of your efforts that many are inspired to believe in the possibility of redemption and rehabilitation, even within the confines of the most challenging environments.

To all who read this, know that the stories of these unsung heroes are worth sharing and discussing. Their dedication is a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of commitment to public service. Let us celebrate and spread the word of their noble work, for in their stories, we find the threads of resilience, justice, and humanity interwoven through the fabric of our society. Thank you, brave men and women of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, for making a difference every day. Your legacy is one of strength, honor, and an unwavering commitment to bettering our world.

Are you a state employee? Then be sure to enter our giveaway in honor of Public Service Recognition Week! Entries must be made by May 11th, so enter today. 10 chances to win! 

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