TPEA Stronger Together

Carroll Fuch's Lifelong Dedication to the State of Texas

Written by Texas Public Employees Association | Dec 18, 2024 4:17:40 PM

The TPEA board is made up of active and retired state employees, and the current board president, Carroll Fuchs, is a stellar example of service to the state of Texas.

Carroll spent his 35-year career at the Texas Department of Insurance. He held a wide variety of positions within the agency, including Insurance Examiner, Financial Statement Analyst, Director of Accounting, and Director of Facilities Planning and Chief of Staff Services. Throughout his long career with TDI, he consistently proved his dedication through hard work for Texas and its citizens.

When his career with the state began, he quickly saw the importance of joining an association and became a TPEA member in 1965. During his time as an active employee, Carroll served two terms as President of Chapter 79, and additional term as President of Region VII. For his outstanding service, dedication and tenure to TPEA, Carroll received the Ed Riedel Award in 1982. He has served on the Executive Committee since his election to the Board in 2020. In 1982, he served as President of the Texas State Agency Business Administrators Association (TSABAA).

Since his retirement in 1999, Carroll has continued to advocate for state employees and retirees. As an active TPEA board member and volunteer, he is the first to raise his hand to help out with legislative and organizational efforts such as Retiree Days at the Capitol, and writing to legislators and local media outlets.

During the 88th legislative session and in the interim year before the start of the 89th session, Carroll has provided valuable testimony in the media, at ERS, and at the Capitol on behalf of state retirees.

He was interviewed on KVUE Midday News in 2023 about the need for a benefit enhancement  for retirees. In 2024, he provided testimony at the joint budget hearing for ERS, and recently testified at the December 2024 ERS board meeting about the needs of state retirees.

Whether it’s organizing the annual fundraiser at his church, attending TPEA board meetings, and spending time with his family, Carroll gives it his all.

We are so grateful for all that he does for TPEA and for state employees and retirees. Thank you for being an Essential Texan, Carroll!